Dear {{ $highlights['venue']->name }},
Greetings! We're excited to present our monthly performance snapshot for the month of {{ $highlights['currentMonth'] }}:
- Total Number of Scans: {{ $highlights['totalScans'] }}
@if ($highlights['scansTrendPercentage'] > 0)
( {{ $highlights['scansTrendPercentage'] }}% increase compared to last month )
( {{ abs($highlights['scansTrendPercentage']) }}% decrease compared to to last month )
@if ($highlights['requestsEnabled'])
- Total Number of Requests: {{ $highlights['totalRequests'] }}
@if ($highlights['requestsTrendPercentage'] > 0)
( {{ $highlights['requestsTrendPercentage'] }}% increase compared to last month )
( {{ abs($highlights['requestsTrendPercentage']) }}% decrease compared to to last month )
@if ($highlights['ordersEnabled'])
- Total Number of Orders: {{ $highlights['totalOrders'] }}
@if ($highlights['ordersTrendPercentage'] > 0)
( {{ $highlights['ordersTrendPercentage'] }}% increase compared to last month )
( {{ abs($highlights['ordersTrendPercentage']) }}% decrease compared to to last month )
- Total Sales: {{ $highlights['totalSales'] }}
@if ($highlights['salesTrendPercentage'] > 0)
( {{ $highlights['salesTrendPercentage'] }}% increase compared to last month )
( {{ abs($highlights['salesTrendPercentage']) }}% decrease compared to to last month )
@if ($highlights['ordersEnabled'] || $highlights['requestsEnabled'])
- Average Confirm Time: {{ $highlights['averageConfirmationTime'] }}
@if ($highlights['confirmationTimeTrend'] > 0)
( {{ $highlights['confirmationTimeTrend'] }}% increase compared to last month )
( {{ abs($highlights['confirmationTimeTrend']) }}% decrease compared to to last month )
- Number of Escalations: {{ $highlights['totalEscalations'] }}
@if ($highlights['escalationTrendPercentage'] > 0)
( {{ $highlights['escalationTrendPercentage'] }}% increase compared to last month )
( {{ abs($highlights['escalationTrendPercentage']) }}% decrease compared to to last month )
@if ($highlights['feedbacksEnabled'])
- Total Number of Feedbacks: {{ $highlights['totalFeedbacks'] }}
@if ($highlights['feedbackTrendPercentage'] > 0)
( {{ $highlights['feedbackTrendPercentage'] }}% increase compared to last month )
( {{ abs($highlights['feedbackTrendPercentage']) }}% decrease compared to to last month )
@if ($highlights['promotionEnabled'])
- Total Number of Promotional Banner Clicks: {{ $highlights['totalPromotions'] }}
@if ($highlights['promotionTrendPercentage'] > 0)
( {{ $highlights['promotionTrendPercentage'] }}% increase compared to last month )
( {{ abs($highlights['promotionTrendPercentage']) }}% decrease compared to to last month )
For a deeper dive into our performance metrics, please review the attached PDF report. It offers detailed analysis and comprehensive insights with visual representations of our monthly overview.
We appreciate your ongoing collaboration. Let's continue working together towards shared success!
Warm Regards,
Ring N Bring